I,m a little sad .. 15 years ago today i lost my firstborn son in a fatal car crash, i,m OK ...but... sad then happy various emotions they are not acute and gut wrenching as they were in the early years ..
I feel peaceful and nurtured with a few phone calls , Jax ... my daughter Naomi .. and my girlfriend and we chatted about Chris ..you see hes in my heart.. my memories.. .....sometimes i panic and think ..what did his voice sound like ?.... and i screw up my eyes wanting to visualise to see his face , and recently i forgot what colour his eyes were..! panic ..all normal stuff in the process of learning to live without a child my baby.. my grown son .. and i miss him so very much ... i will see him again one day you see the Prodigal son did come home , I had the privilege of baptizing him with the Pastors of my church 9 months before you see he was only ever lent to me and now he is with his Heavenly Father .....
Its been a fabulous day weather wise and i have been losing myself in potting plants , also i gave a basket a lovely paint job in Cath Kidston Delphinium such a lovely colour , being creative is like medicine for me ......
YES there have been Good Times