Yes we have snow in England ! .towards London and up north much more than .in Cornwall we rarely have it for long ,
My hunter gatherer left home an hour today to travel a mile and half through hilly country lanes it was sheet glass under the snow he said it was a bit scary!!!.
Ben's day center was not opening nor most of the schools !! England goes into crisis when it snows and to invest money into resources for a few days a year .well it wont happen .. to you guys across the pond that have it all winter must wonder whats all the fuss ,? we could have more tonight or we could wake up and its all gone , some nice pics later ..
The wood burner was going flat out so well i just had to sit by it and do some crochet..i,m on flowers at the moment ,i have just finished a blanket for a baby arriving in July ,i love to do stripes and it gives it a modern look for a modern Mum to be.
My Daughter is going to New York on the 6 Th so hope flights will be OK shes just site seeing really and is quite excited shes there about a week ...